Saturday, 8 December 2012


So, we were given a sample of an essay to be corrected on and for this essay, we gave it a solid 13/20.
For this particular essay, the student did a good job in telling his story on 'A scary experience'. Although there were grammatical errors here and there but we still can understand what the student is trying to tell us. As a teacher, we need to bare in mind that the ideas of the student should be prioritize more than the mechanical errors.  The flow of the story was also quite nicely done and the student also shows some maturity in his writing when he included the phrase ' person of good intention'.
The skills I will use to give feedback is written comment. I will state the following onto the paper :
- Good flow of story
- A very interesting idea
- Need to work on grammar use
Overall good

Next, I would give them a sample of essay for each grade. For example, a sample of grade A, grade B and grade C essay. I would discuss with them the qualities that are needed to achieve grade A essay. Then I would do an activity for them on how to improve their grammar usage. Then, I would ask them to re-write or  do correction on their mistakes as a homework.

For the next session, I would ask them to do peer editing before they submit their essay. This is so they could help each other in developing ideas in their story. Also, friends might point out the errors found before submitting it to the teacher.

1 comment:

  1. I like:
    1. Your written comments
    2. Essay analysis (very useful in showing sample sentence structures, organizations etc)
